What's new?
July, 15th 2021
High visit in the spinning mill
Yesterday the spinning mill received a special visit. Hilde Crevits, Joachim Coens, Fedustria, Agoria and VLAIO visited in the light of support measures that will help accelerate companies towards circular manufacturing.
July, 2nd 2021
SCIRT Project - Horizon2020
We are on an innovation journey towards a circular fashion system. Leading brands and research organisations team up in new circular fashion project. SCIRT kicks off its innovation journey towards a circular fashion system.
July, 1st 2021
Industrial Product Design students shared their ideas!
The students searched new applications for the ESG Green yarn containing post-consumer recycled denim.
October, 9th 2020
Fair Trade Week - Jeanious socks
Bruges, Ghent, Kortrijk & Roeselare. From October 7th until October 17th a mobile textile workshop travels from colleges to universities with the demand for fair conditions in the fashion industry.