Blog 09.10.2020
Fair Trade Week - Jeanious socks
From October 7th until October 17th it is Fair Trade Week.
This year colleges and universities shine a light on the unfair conditions in the textile industry.
A mobile textile workshop travels around to ask for better working and living conditions for textile workers in distant countries with the disaster of Rana Plaza as the example that doesn't need any explanation.
Students get informed at the mobile booth and in exchange for a picture, they receive a pair of socks, but not just any socks!
They are made partly out of recycled worn-off jeans and knitted in Belgium by Beernaert Socks in Oudenaarde.
Beernaert Socks is the only sock producer in Belgium and is the ideal partner for #hackyourjeans.
They’re only 32km away from our spinning mill, which means that we can bridge this distance using the yarn of only 16 pairs of socks! Talk about local partnerships & co-creation!
As a student of the following schools you can get your pair of socks, so don't skip that class for the next 10 days:
- Thursday October 8th: Howest Campus (Bruges)
- Friday October 9th: Howest Campus (Bruges)
- Monday October 12th: Artevelde Hogeschool - Campus Kantienberg (Ghent)
- Tuesday October 13th: Ugent - UFO (Ghent)
- Wednesday October 14: Hogent (Ghent)
- Thursday October 15th: Howest - Campus Graaf Karel de Goedelaan (Kortrijk)
We promise you, these socks will make your feet look jeanious!
Got your socks? Great!
Take a picture of you wearing them, tag us or use the # '#hackyourjeans' because we could have a surprise for you...